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Murdoch University
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Office location: 340.2.045
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Murdoch 6150
Perth, Western Australia
Mobile phone: +61 466 965 314 (0466 965 314).
Office phone 08 9360 7637email:
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(car parking is free of charge after 4PM and since I work long hours I prefer evening meetings).
PhD scholarships available now! Email me please for more details
PhD scholarship in materials science
PhD stipend of ~$30000 AUD pa for 3 years (tax free).
Tuition fees are waived.
A fully-funded PhD scholarship is available in materials science to study organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). An OLED uses organic semiconductor materials to generate light, for example, in mobile phone screens and TVs. OLED displays are already in the market, but there is still significant room for improvement. A major gap in understanding is the impact of nano- and microscale film structure on device performance. There is an opportunity for a motivated PhD student to address these challenges and contribute to the next generation of organic semiconductor technology.
The broader context
This PhD project is part of a multi-university (University of
Queensland, Murdoch University and James Cook University) and
multi-disciplinary collaboration funded by the Australian Research
Council (ARC) Discovery Projects. There are a total of three PhD
positions available. This project focuses on electrical properties of
materials and devices. The other two projects are: (1) experimental
studies of thin film morphology at the University of Queensland under
the primary supervision of Prof. Ian Gentle, and (2) computational
studies at James Cook University under the primary supervision of Dr.
Bronson Philippa. All three PhD students will work closely together as a
cohort, in collaboration with the academics and postdoctoral
researchers at each institution.
About the PhD project
The successful applicant will study the electrical currents, charge
transport and photocarrier recombination in novel nano-structured
semiconductors and optoelectronic devices. Standard Time-of-Flight,
quasi steady state current-voltage, Hall-effect as well as novel CELIV
methods will be used. Time-dependent electrical characterisation of
organic semiconductors and OLED devices using oscilloscopes, signal
generators, voltage-current supply and measure units, lasers, LEDs with
pulsed electronics will be applied. C and Labview language programming
of measurement equipment will be required.
What we offer
The successful applicant will receive an ARC-funded stipend equal in
value to the Research Training Program Scholarship. The stipend is for three years
with a possible extension of 6 months in approved circumstances. We also provide funding to support the research, including for travel to visit collaborators and attend conferences.
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must meet Murdoch’s entry requirements for admission to a
PhD. Award of the scholarship is conditional on the university accepting
your enrolment. The successful applicant will be guided through the
process of formally applying for admission.
This is an interdisciplinary project so applicants from a wide range of
academic backgrounds will be considered. Applications should have strong
undergraduate knowledge in some of these areas:
• Semiconductor physics, electrochemistry and materials science.
• Computer programming.
This project is based in Murdoch, Western Australia and is available for
immediate start. For eligibility reasons the candidate must be living
in Australia.
How to apply
To express your interest in this scholarship and PhD research opportunity, please prepare the following items:
1. A cover letter describing the exciting projects you have worked on in the past.
2. A brief CV, including qualifications, academic achievements, list of publications, work history, and references.
3. A copy of your academic transcript(s).
Please submit your application via email to
The scholarship may be filled before the end of the life of the advertising period, so you are encouraged to get in contact as soon as possible.
My CV, ~100 words
Almantas completed his PhD studies in 2006 in Physics at Abo Akademi University Finland supervised by Prof. Ronald Osterbacka.
Almantas was a postdoctoral fellow (2007-2010) at the Physical Chemistry Department, Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria, led by Prof. Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci (LIOS).
Almantas received DECRA fellowship (2011-2014) at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, with Prof. Paul Burn and Prof. Paul Meredith.
Since 2015 Almantas has been a senior lecturer at Murdoch University, Perth, Australia.
My CV, brief
Almantas Pivrikas has graduated a Bachelor degree at the faculty of physics at Vilnius University in Lithuania. He continued the studies at the Solid
State Electronics and Condensed Matter Physics department headed by
Prof. Gytis Juska where he obtained Master’s degree. Here he actively
participated in development and application of novel Charge Extraction
by Linearly Increasing Voltage (CELIV) technique used to study the
transport of negative and positive charges in inorganic and organic
For PhD studies he
joined the group of Prof. Ronald Osterbacka at Abo Akademi University
in Finland where he continued the research of charge transport in
various organic materials and devices. Here he discovered unexpected
phenomena of reduced (non-Langevin recombination) photocarrier
recombination in disordered organic materials.
After receiving a
PhD degree, Almantas accepted a fix-term assistant professor contract in
the group of Prof. Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, in Physical Chemistry
Department and Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) at Johannes
Kepler University Linz, Austria. Here he further developed powerful
transient techniques for charge transport studies and extended his
expertise in other optoelectronic devices such as organic field effect
transistors and light emitting diodes.
To continue his carrier in
academic research, he joined the group headed by Prof. Paul Burn and
Prof. Paul Meredith at the School of Chemistry Molecular Biosciences,
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. In 2012 he was
awarded ARC DECRA fellowship.
Since the beginning of 2015 Almantas continues his research and teaching at Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia.
His academic performance can be checked at Google Scholar:
My affiliation to be used in co-authored publications
Physics Department, Murdoch University, Perth 6150, Australia.
My research interests
The aim of my research is to develop the next-generation modern opto-electronic devices.
Research outputs
My h-index, list of publications and citations can be found at his public Google Scholar profile:
My expertise areas:
- Opto-electronic device fabrication and characterisation
- Electrical conductivity and photoconductivity studies
- Charge transport, charge mobility and recombination
- Spectroscopy, optical interference, light absorption, photoluminescence
- Development of novel techniques for device and material characterization
Device performance:
- Photovoltaic solar cells
- Photodetectors and photosensors
- Field effect and electrochemical transistors
- Light emitting diodes
- Chemical and bio-sensors
- Electrochemical systems, batteries, neurons, cell communication mechanisms.
- Disordered and crystalline semiconductors: organic molecules,
polymers, multidimensional nanostructures, carbon structures, quantum
dots and structures, silicon, germanium, gallium nitride, selenium,
perovskites etc.
- Electrolyte based systems such as batteries, organic-inorganic interfaces
- Electrowinning and electrodeposition for mineral extraction and mining
- Bio-systems, cell signalling etc.
Photophysics and electromagnetism:
- Electrical conductivity of any material
- Leakage currents of insulators
- Photoconductivity
- Space Charge Limited Injection (SCLC), Ohmic injection, contact limited or trap limited injection
- Charge drift due to electric field and diffusion coefficients due to concentration gradient
- Mobility of electrons and holes or positive and negative ions
- Charge trap states: trap densities, charge capture and release times
- Lifetime and bimolecular recombination coefficient of photogenerated charge carriers
- Frequency dependent dielectric constant (relative permittivity).
Optics and spectroscopy:
- Spectrophotometry, aka light absorption, transmission or reflection spectra in UV, VIS, IR
- Optical constants of materials: refractive index n and extinction (attenuation) coefficient k
- Thin film optical interference, aka what determines the colour of thin films
- Photoacoustic spectroscopy
- Second (or higher) harmonic generation, aka multiphoton spectroscopy
- Amplified spontaneous emission, optically and electrically pumped
lasing and use of lasers for various applications such as range-finding
and communication
- Photoluminescence spectra, exciton lifetimes
Numeric modelling, simulations and theory:
- Finite element method to simulate electrical, optical, structural,
acoustic, fluid, heat, chemical and other real world processes using
partial differential equations
- Monte Carlo method simulations of random sampling to solve problems numerically
- Custom made drift-diffusion model for any type of semiconductor:
metal-semiconductor-metal, metal-semiconductor-insulator structures,
diode (bulk) and field effect transistor (planar) geometries.
- Charge transport: drift, diffusion, and space charge effects
- Dispersive transport and hot charge carriers
- Charge hopping and localized transport mechanisms in disordered systems
- Recombination mechanisms of photogenerated electrons and holes
- Computational screening of possible device parameters in device optimization or material selection
We also develop novel techniques for reliable experimental measurements when classical methods fail, such as CELIV, MIS-CELIV etc.
List of equipment in our spectroscopy laboratory
- Laser, nanosecond pulse duration. QLI Model Q1B-10. Wavelengths 355nm, 532nm and 1064nm. High pulse intensity, 10 mJ.
- Oscilloscope. Tektronix model DPO7104C.
- Arbitrary function generator. Tektronix AFG3102C 100 Mhz, 2 channels.
Special feature – superimpose any external signal with an internal one
synthesized by the generator.
- Current-Voltage sources and measurement units. Keithley model 2450.
- Hall effect for charge carrier mobility and density measurements.
- Time-of-Flight, CELIV, MIS-CELIV setup.
- Lock-in amplifier. Stanford SR830.
- Solar simulator. Model Spire SPI-Sun Simulator 5600SLP.
- Various optical and opto-mechanical components such as Neutral density
filters, bandpass filters, laser mirrors, optical mounts, translation
stages etc.
Manuals for all equipment listed below I can provide on request.
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